Saturday, March 27, 2010

Barbie's Made Up Milanos!

This great recipe and the pictures are courtesy of one of my bestest friends Barbie!!!  She did such an awsome job! I cannot wait to try and make these too!!

I love Pepperidge Farm Milanos, I just hate paying all that money for such a simple cookie.

So in my quest to simplify life and save some pennies I put this simple recipe together.

The best part is that there are only 5 ingredients!!

1 cup flour

¼ cup butter (melted) unsalted

1 egg

¼ sugar


Combine the above ingrediants and mix till forms a somewhat crumbly dough.

Preheat oven to 350 F

Take a small bit of the mix and roll the dough in your hands until a small ball is formed

Use the palm of your hand to flatten the dough balls on your baking sheet

Place in oven

Bake at 350 F for 6 minuets

After 6 minuets flip the cookies over, and bake for another 6 minuets

The cookies wil be slightly golden.

Let cool completely. Once the cookies are room temp, the fun begins!
Use a table spoon to dollop some of the nutella on half the cookies. Now take the ones that do not have nutella on them and sandwich them together. Let the nutella set and VOILA yummy Milanos!!


  1. OOOOOO!!!! Now if only someone could figure out how to make homemade girl scout cookies... & Barbie, these photos are fantastic!

  2. Wha? i know how to make homemade girl scout cookies!

  3. thanks cybelle! its the amature photographer in me! i have some recipes for girl scout cookies! looks like gordana an i need to put on out girl scout uniforms and make you some cookies! ahaha!

  4. These look DELISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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